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5 ways to promote your business for free

5 ways to promote your business for free

Trapped in the daily routine? Don’t stress.

We blame the Mercury retrograde. Here are a few things you can do to get your business back on track.

1. Start a blog. One of the most cost-effective ways to promote your business and provide value to your customers is to blog with useful tips for your readers. But be careful: Don’t let yourself be tempted to just rave about your product in all its perfection. Instead, try to share authentic stories, or anecdotes, valuable tips, and advice with readers. Think carefully about what your target audience wants to read. If your target audience is new moms, you could offer some cool life hacks for living with babies. If your target audience is more towards startups, SMEs and freelancers, you could give them valuable tips on how to promote their business for free!

2. Ask for reviews. One of the best ways to get visibility for your business is to get reviews from happy customers. The reviews can also be used as a screenshot as great content for your website or social media channels!

3. Business Signatures. Your business signature doesn’t have to be just contact information. Here you can include a catchy phrase, a call to action, or a link to a special promotion, free podcast, or report… The possibilities are endless.

4. Create partnerships. You can create value for your audience, your customers and of course yourself by partnering with other companies that complement your product. A partnership with a car-sharing service might be a good fit for a co-working space. The space tenants in the Space could perhaps get from A to B more cheaply. win-win-win.

5. Offer value. In short, you want to offer your customers more than just a product or service. We add value to our business through the story we tell and the values ​​we follow. At Plaza Cubes, our story is very simple: we provide great offices maintained with love and attention. Our focus is on our customers and making sure we create the right environment for their success.

Hopefully these tips will inspire you to roll up your sleeves and get to work. The key to successful branding is ongoing engagement. Recycle. Implement these 5 strategies and see positive changes in your organization.

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