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Professional network through coworking

We love networking.

Renting flexible offices is not a new concept. The culture of coworking, on the other hand, is. We are currently living in a very dynamic time where networking, collaboration and creating opportunities have an impact on our success.

At Plaza Cubes, we see first-hand the friendly interactions that take place in our offices. Often our coworkers form friendships that last beyond contracts, and others secure valuable business through the network they have earned on the job.

One of the biggest advantages of an office in our coworking space is the unique opportunity to constantly expand your network at the same time. Whether in the spacious shared kitchen, at the coffee machine, at lunch, or when chatting in the corridors or in our lounge area – in the Plaza Cubes you can easily get into conversation with each other. This creates opportunities for cooperation and friendships in a very natural way.

A great community is the backbone of a great office atmosphere. We are so lucky with our tenants. Are you ready to join? Ask us about our offers for new members.

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